Join William Burg for a journey
into Sacramento's Southside Park past

On Thursday, November 8th,
William "Bill" Burg will talking about
his new book Sacramento' Southside Park

Sacramento’s Southside Park is a pictorial history on one of Sacramento's oldest, most diverse, and most interesting neighborhoods.
The book chronicles the the neighborhood’s changes, the challenges its residents have faced, and the tradition of political activism, community participation and  strong sense of civic pride that is still evident today.

William Burg, known as Bill to many, grew up in Sacramento. He got his BA at CSU, Humboldt and then worked for over a decade in Southside Park. An avid train buff, he is the author of Sacramento's Street Cars. He currently writes for The Midtown Monthly and curates Sacramento's annual Noisefest. 

Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 6:30 pm.
Copies of Sacramento's Southside Park are available at Time Tested Books.
Order yours today!